Roy Burns Drumming with Benny Goodman: 1958 World’s Fair


Any day that I get a call from Roy Burns is always a great day. I’ve known Roy for many years first as a teacher, which turned into a mentor, which later turned into a friend.

On this occasion, he called to let me know that some footage of his drumming with The Benny Goodman Orchestra had surfaced on YouTube. This is a rare treat since this was from an age before everyone was recording concerts with smart phones.

The song is “Sing, Sing, Sing” recorded at the World’s Fair in 1958. Roy was in his early 20s at the time and his drumming is spectacular!

2 thoughts on “Roy Burns Drumming with Benny Goodman: 1958 World’s Fair

  1. I used to have the “Benny In Brussels” LP from the 1958 World’s Fair and the solo Roy took on “Sing, Sing, Sing” knocked me off my feet! Unfortunately that record disappeared but what I recall of his playing on that LP is still stunning and inspirational!

  2. I grew up with the 1958 Worlds Fair LP. I memorized what I could pick out from repeated listenings in the days before youtube, but seeing Burns now is an immeasurable joy. Burns paved the path for drummers like Mitch Mitchel, Bruford, and Collins, yet his name is not well known. Great Thanks for posting this priceless video.

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